Quran’s Scientific Miracle about Man’s Creation

16:21 - September 03, 2022
News ID: 3480326
TEHRAN (IQNA) – The Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) 14 centuries ago in Arabia. Although it was a place where science was in primitive stage, the Quran answers questions about creation of mankind that shows its miracle.

Quran’s Scientific Miracle about Man’s Creation


Qassem Saki, a clinical embryology expert, talked about the miracle of the Quran in this area in a recent forum about “Quran and Science”. Here are excerpts from his speech:

The Holy Quran is not a book of science nor is its aim extending boundaries of science. So why does it mention scientific issues. It answered questions of people at the time. There are many verses that discuss scientific issues, including about creation of man. One of the first questions asked by people when every prophet was sent by God was about that.

The Holy Quran has extensively talked about it and one of the first verses revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is about this issue. It shows that creation of man was among the questions that people asked about at the time. Now the question is whether what the Quran said about creation of man can be proven to be correct scientifically.

For thousands of years there have been different theories about how one is born. The Quran discussed it in the 7th century, saying: “We created the human being from the union of sperm and egg to test him. We gave him hearing and vision.” (Surah Al-Insan, Verse 2)

Is this not proof of the Holy Quran’s miracle? The Quran talks about union of sperm and egg when science had no status in Arabia. European scientists found about it only 12 centuries later when the microscope was invented.

Another point is that God says “We gave him hearing and vision”. Whenever the Quran talks about hearing and vision, hearing comes first. This has a scientific aspect. In embryology we know that the hearing system is completed earlier, in the 26th week after conception, while the vision system is completed in the 28th week.

In another verse, the Quran refers to the development of the embryo: “O people, if you are in doubt about the Resurrection, remember that We first created you from dust, then, from a sperm drop, then from a clot, and then from a bitesize tissue formed and unformed, so that We might clarify for you. We establish in the wombs whatever We will for an appointed term, and then We bring you forth as infants, then you come of age. Some of you die, and some of you are kept back to the vilest state of life, after knowing somewhat, they know nothing. And you see the earth dry; but no sooner do We send down rain upon it than it begins to quiver and swell, putting forth every fine variety (of herbage).” Surah Al-Hajj, Verse 5)

These can be proved to be correct with today’s scientific developments.  





